e-GIM WEB Solutions

To fully complement ADOPT-FIT's data acquisition skills, a full range of e-Commerce interface options are provided. From simple trend analysis and web based display methods, through to fully automated XML and custom data transfer protocols, ADOPT-FIT has a range of solutions and options to be able to automate the supply chain.

Demand Planner

ADOPT-FIT also provides practical ways of data sharing, such as the Demand Planner (DP). The DP provides a means for a supplier and consumer to co-operate, thus reducing the overall costs. DP Input can be automated via data from MRP systems, or can be entered manually.

The DP gives visibility for the supplier to respond to production patterns in advance. Equally, the DP allows the consumer to see when deliveries are planned and for an exchange of information to occur. The DP's initial reading can be populated from the automated telemetry readings, thus offering an accurate and up to date forecast for a selected period of time.


Automated triggers for replenishment are available using industry-standard XML data formats. The complete automation of the supply chain is thus possible. ADOPT-FIT's extended eGIM system gives the necessary automation and customer overviews to allow successful e-Commerce.

Consumption Reporting

ADOPT-FIT provides comprehensive Consumption Reporting which is then used for invoicing and also to enhance the demand predictions.

The consumption can be calculated directly from the VMI data and can also include input from ERP systems based upon certified deliveries.